Pragmatic First Aid, Mental Health and Outdoor Safety Training, for the Workplace and Life Outside it.
Serving London & the South
Workplace & Outdoor
First Aid Solutions
We specialise in delivering a unique range of engaging and empowering range of First Aid Training Solutions for your organisation. We ensure that at each first aid programme is tailored to meet your first aid training needs, creating a truly bespoke training programme for your employees. Whether you are Forestry Workers, Farmers, Gardeners, Teachers or Office Staff, we have the programme that will meet your needs.
Unsure what you need? Let us help with that! In 2013 the HSE handed over governance of first aid provision to OfQual and the onus of training programme selection to the employer. This has subsequently freed employers from the strictures of the traditional HSE Workplace First Aid Courses and allows them to select which course is most suitable for their workplace and working environment.
Workplace First Aid​​
First aid courses tailored to your workplace perfect for most working environments within easy access of the Emergency Services.
Schools & Paediatric First Aid
​Traditional first aid courses for staff working with young people from EYFS up to sixth form colleges.
Outdoor & Forest Schools First Aid​
​First Aid training programmes specifically designed for people working of playing outdoors or off-site.